Patsy Stone on Politics

Politics. Royals. Hockey. Not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Patsy Stone Debatin'

Well folks... the mother of all elections is only a few short weeks guessed it right, the Bush vs. Kerry showdown. Wannabe pundits, start your engines! Debate #1 starts tonight!


I finally had the chance, last night, to see the "smash hit" Mamma Mia! I just had to post what a FABULOUS experience it was and that this confirms what I've known since the age of about four (when I would groove to "Dancing Queen" in my parents living room singing at the top of my little lungs), that ABBA is the best pop group of all time! Period. Full stop. If you really don't get your groove on at the very sounds of "Voulez-Vous", "Money Money Money" and "Waterloo", you're just not human! Seriously. Period. Full stop. Now I'm going to drop everything and dash to the nearest retro dance party (my living room). In closing, thank you Abba, for the music! (and kudos to the awesome, marvelous, T.O. Mamma Mia cast!)

Sexual Politics and The Apprentice 2

Okay. The Apprentice 2: women versus men. Patsy's a card-carrying feminist who admires strong women. Naturally, I should be rooting for the women, right? Wrong... Every week, I find myself cheering for the guys (plus Pamela) over the gals. Why? Simple. I'm sick of the immature bitchiness, cattiness, backbiting and scapegoating!

To assuage such existentialist hankering deep within my psyche (phew!), I started wondering about what makes these women act the way they do. The feminist-cum-sociologist in me explains this by arguing that, even in 2004, the business world is still predominantly male-driven, and thus, to compete for the few spots available to women, gals just have to duke it out with each other for that elusive spot. This brings me to wonder, a la Carrie Bradshaw: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Are these women bitchy just because they're bitches (a word I normally NEVER use to describe women-because, as we know, bitches are just decisive, intelligent, ambitious men in Ally McBeal-length skirts) OR, are they bitches by necessity, "victims" (boy, am I treading on a minefield here!) of our male-driven society? Hmmm...

What I really hate about reality TV is the backbiting and childish behaviour that seems to infest the women (and the men too!) on shows like the Apprentice and the Bachelor. Now granted, I know this is TV land and that the gorgeous woman-drama queen-sex combo is ratings dynamite (I AM watching, aren't I??), but I'm so frustrated that in 2004 this kind of bullshit still goes on!

Whatever happened to sisterhood? Whatever happened to being professional and business like? Women, including those on TV reality shows, should realize that, by sticking together, backing each other up, being respectful and understanding to each other, the whole team, and womenkind, wins!

Why have the guys (plus Pamela) on The Apprentice 2 won the past two weeks in a row? Maybe because they're not wasting time stabbing each other in the back and bickering like toddlers! So, in conclusion, until the ladies of the Apprentice start acting like the intelligent, ambitious, talented women they (presumably) are, I'm going to be rooting for the boys.