Patsy Stone on Politics

Politics. Royals. Hockey. Not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

5 things you didn't know about Patsy

I'm it! (been tagged by Leona -- -- that is.) So without further ado, here are 5 things you didn't know about Patsy.

1) Much to my mother's dismay, I once cut off all the blue hair from my My Little Pony doll.

2) I'm an Anglophile, but don't drink tea.

3) I think Marc Jacobs ( is overrated. (gasp! Sorry fellow fashionistas)

4) I've never been to New Brunswick.

5) When I was little and my parents would go out to a party, my sister and I would make icing and eat it straight out of the bowl. (Yum)


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