Thanksgiving redux
Well I'm sure you've all been waiting with bated breath to hear about my Thanksgiving long weekend. So fasten your seat belts... it was good. 4 nice days off. Had lots of fantastic food (Indian, steak, turkey with all the trimmings), a few cocktails (OK, about 10), visits with family & friends, etc, etc. Got to see a dear friend's new piece of real estate too, which was fun.
Now on to a few celebrity musings.
1. Angelina Jolie as Mariane Pearl in "A Mighty Heart", now filming in India. Is it OK for a white woman to play a mixed-race woman? You decide. (Although I think that the fact Ms. Pearl herself, who wrote the book on which the movie is based, said she was happy AJ got the role kind of defuses the controversy.)
2. Did Madonna adopt a Malawian baby? Do we really care that she's jumped on the Angelina baby bandwagon? And what do we think about famous, rich and white North American women adopting Third World babies? Altruistic? Publicity stunt? Patsy can't help but tut-tut the commodification of babies.
3. Why does every woman on the planet seem to think that Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy is some kind of sex god? (See US Weekly's October 9 issue.) He just doesn't do it for me. Now a clean-shaven Johnny Depp, that's hot. (with profuse apologies to Ms. "DUI" Hilton)
Now on to one of my obsessions: magazines. Now, dear reader, I ask you: how many subscriptions is excessive? I subscribe to 5 magazines: US Weekly, Loulou, Atlantic Monthly, Chatelaine and Time. Time and Chatelaine were gift subscriptions, US Weekly I bought myself, the Atlantic was a gift for my special someone, although I read it too, and Loulou I bought with some "frequent buyer" miles. Now, in addition to these, as you know I buy Vogue every month and also regularly read Vanity Fair, W, In Style, Elle and occasionally, if I like the look of the cover, Harper's Bazaar. Does this make me an addict? Does Conde Nast need to throw me an intervention? Nah. I think, like lip glosses and Crave cupcakes, magazines are a definite life necessity.
That's all for tonight. I have to go fold four loads of laundry. Sigh. But, before I go, two quick shoutouts: 1) to V and J on the occasion of their first wedding anniverary. Many more, you two! and 2) Congrats Leona on your new job.
Now on to a few celebrity musings.
1. Angelina Jolie as Mariane Pearl in "A Mighty Heart", now filming in India. Is it OK for a white woman to play a mixed-race woman? You decide. (Although I think that the fact Ms. Pearl herself, who wrote the book on which the movie is based, said she was happy AJ got the role kind of defuses the controversy.)
2. Did Madonna adopt a Malawian baby? Do we really care that she's jumped on the Angelina baby bandwagon? And what do we think about famous, rich and white North American women adopting Third World babies? Altruistic? Publicity stunt? Patsy can't help but tut-tut the commodification of babies.
3. Why does every woman on the planet seem to think that Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy is some kind of sex god? (See US Weekly's October 9 issue.) He just doesn't do it for me. Now a clean-shaven Johnny Depp, that's hot. (with profuse apologies to Ms. "DUI" Hilton)
Now on to one of my obsessions: magazines. Now, dear reader, I ask you: how many subscriptions is excessive? I subscribe to 5 magazines: US Weekly, Loulou, Atlantic Monthly, Chatelaine and Time. Time and Chatelaine were gift subscriptions, US Weekly I bought myself, the Atlantic was a gift for my special someone, although I read it too, and Loulou I bought with some "frequent buyer" miles. Now, in addition to these, as you know I buy Vogue every month and also regularly read Vanity Fair, W, In Style, Elle and occasionally, if I like the look of the cover, Harper's Bazaar. Does this make me an addict? Does Conde Nast need to throw me an intervention? Nah. I think, like lip glosses and Crave cupcakes, magazines are a definite life necessity.
That's all for tonight. I have to go fold four loads of laundry. Sigh. But, before I go, two quick shoutouts: 1) to V and J on the occasion of their first wedding anniverary. Many more, you two! and 2) Congrats Leona on your new job.
At 6:15 PM,
None said…
Patsy can't help but tut-tut the commodification of babies.
I think my second favourite scene from The Office so far this year would have to be:
Michael: Pam? Did you see Oprah yesterday?
Pam: No, I didn’t.
Michael: I…uh…I am going to be a father
Pam: What was Oprah about?
At 12:20 PM,
None said…
Going to see The Queen tonight? Ebert came out of his two month surgery recuperation and rehab just to give it four stars.
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