Patsy's Election Postscript; or, "Screw us: we're Canadian!"
Well surprise, surprise.
Another Liberal government.
Who WOULD have thought?
Try to excuse the sarcasm dripping from my disaffected, disenchanted, alienated Western self. But seriously, did I really think that Canadians would have the balls to reject their corrupt government? Not for a split second. Two reasons. One, I'm a cynic. 'Nuff said. Two, I know all too well the mindset of the average (urban)Ontario voter. (They really can't help themselves, you know. But I'm trying to love them anyways because technically I am one.)
That being said, I ask you, dear reader, who WOULDN'T rally around the banner of a tired, arrogant, and fraudulent Liberal party? Heaven forbid something would ever change in this country! I'm not asking for drastic change, mind you, (I like democracy, freedom of expression, health care, education, roads...)but a rejection of a government that has, for too many years, taken serious advantage of unsuspecting Canadians.
With such a forgiving electorate, how did Brian Mulroney's Conservatives ever get trounced so easily? Remember the hullaballoo surrounding the GST? How's that for proof that Canadians CAN get mad, and get even? Jean Chretien ably (gasp! did I just compliment JC?)harnessed the anger of Canadians and translated it into a landslide majority victory. And from then on, the Libs had a firm grip on the Canadian political scene. Not because they had great ideas, but because people were mad-as-hell-and-weren't-going-to-take-it-anymore. Phew. Remember too that Chretien got elected on a promise to scrap the GST. Hmmm.... I guess it was all downhill from there.
Rounding that corner, I think it's high time that I address this whole western alienation concept. What a quaint notion. If you ask me, the West should start taking advice from Quebec, a province that has skillfully managed to hover separation over the heads of the federal government for as long as I can remember. I challenge you, dear reader, to remember a time when the feds WEREN'T scared stiff of les Quebecois. Granted, the Quebec population is at least 3 times that of Alberta's. Granted, the francophone history of Quebec goes back to Samuel de Champlain and should rightly be protected in our country's constitution. What I find so amusing, however, is that, for the above reasons, among others, when Quebec says "jump", the feds undoubtedly ask "how high."
What some Westerners find so frustrating is that the feds continue to, at best, belittle and demonize, and, at worst, ignore, most of Western Canada because they're so concerned with who really matters: Ontario and Quebec. I also don't really believe Paul Martin when he talks about trying to stem the tide of "western alienation." If he was really concerned with taking the West seriously, and treating the West with respect, would he have resorted to scare tactics and fear mongering during the election campaign?
Come to think of it, why SHOULD the feds care about the West? They've proven, time and time again, that they don't need the West to win, so why bother? That's what I think is truly at the heart of western alienation. The fact that we are, essentially, completely powerless. Read Chantal Hebert's piece in the Star today, she talks about how Albertans, as an example, put a lot more into confederation (hello: transfer payments!) than they get out.
Think, dear reader, (especially those in the 416 or 905 area codes), how would YOU feel if you were either completely ignored OR made fun of/demonized/patronized (crazy, cranky, red-neck, socially-retrograde Westerners), AND rendered politically limbless. Add to that paying a sizeable chunk of tax to the feds, which is then doled out to those that actually vote Liberal. Wouldn't you, dear reader, be pretty pissed off? This, I hazard to guess, is the reason that so many Westerners are disgusted with this fourth consecutive Liberal government. We can't understand why Ontario would turn a blind eye to the chronic corruption and waste spewed by the Liberals for the past who-knows-how-long.
To top it off, the "who, me?" attitude of so many Liberal witnesses at the public accounts committee truly disgusted many Canadians, from coast to coast. (Think Alfonso Gagliano!) While Paul Martin said he was as mad as hell, numerous others stalled, deliberately evaded questions, fled to Arizona, etc. to avoid taking any responsibility for the sponsorship scandal. What infuriated me the most, however, was the reaction I heard from so many: the "how dare you accuse me of this?"/"how dare you ask me where the money went?" attitude; the idea that NO ONE in the Liberal party should have to account for, perhaps criminal, behaviour.
I firmly believe that these belligerent attitudes are the result of a political environment in Canada that holds no one accountable. Canadians are just so grateful that they live where they live (and rightfully so), that they're willing to ignore/turn a blindeye to being treated with such disrespect. (I might remind Canadians that their taxes pay for this wonderful country, NOT the generosity/benevolence of the Liberals.)
So let's face it: the Liberals can do anything they want in Canada. Anything. Some old dead white guy once said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Let's just hope that this Liberal minority government learns from their slap on the wrist, and that Paul Martin sincerely works towards reforming the structure of the Liberal party. He has a tremendous opportunity to clean house. Let's hope that he keeps this promise, because if he doesn't...
Oh, wait! Who do I think I'm kidding? Our national motto might as well be: "Screw us, we're Canadian!"
In closing, thanks voters of southern Ontario for four more years of Liberals. I think I'll move to Philadelphia. I'd rather not vote in the States and see political change every few years (President Kerry, anyone?) than continue to vote in Canada and be ignored/treated like a leper because "my Canada" doesn't excuse the misdeeds of the Liberal Party.
I just might take my job skills, husband, charm, devilish good looks and move. Low taxes and high health insurance anyone? Perhaps that's an indication of just how alienated this Westerner is. And don't tell me I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. Don't tell me I'm being irrational. That's Patsy's prerogative.
Another Liberal government.
Who WOULD have thought?
Try to excuse the sarcasm dripping from my disaffected, disenchanted, alienated Western self. But seriously, did I really think that Canadians would have the balls to reject their corrupt government? Not for a split second. Two reasons. One, I'm a cynic. 'Nuff said. Two, I know all too well the mindset of the average (urban)Ontario voter. (They really can't help themselves, you know. But I'm trying to love them anyways because technically I am one.)
That being said, I ask you, dear reader, who WOULDN'T rally around the banner of a tired, arrogant, and fraudulent Liberal party? Heaven forbid something would ever change in this country! I'm not asking for drastic change, mind you, (I like democracy, freedom of expression, health care, education, roads...)but a rejection of a government that has, for too many years, taken serious advantage of unsuspecting Canadians.
With such a forgiving electorate, how did Brian Mulroney's Conservatives ever get trounced so easily? Remember the hullaballoo surrounding the GST? How's that for proof that Canadians CAN get mad, and get even? Jean Chretien ably (gasp! did I just compliment JC?)harnessed the anger of Canadians and translated it into a landslide majority victory. And from then on, the Libs had a firm grip on the Canadian political scene. Not because they had great ideas, but because people were mad-as-hell-and-weren't-going-to-take-it-anymore. Phew. Remember too that Chretien got elected on a promise to scrap the GST. Hmmm.... I guess it was all downhill from there.
Rounding that corner, I think it's high time that I address this whole western alienation concept. What a quaint notion. If you ask me, the West should start taking advice from Quebec, a province that has skillfully managed to hover separation over the heads of the federal government for as long as I can remember. I challenge you, dear reader, to remember a time when the feds WEREN'T scared stiff of les Quebecois. Granted, the Quebec population is at least 3 times that of Alberta's. Granted, the francophone history of Quebec goes back to Samuel de Champlain and should rightly be protected in our country's constitution. What I find so amusing, however, is that, for the above reasons, among others, when Quebec says "jump", the feds undoubtedly ask "how high."
What some Westerners find so frustrating is that the feds continue to, at best, belittle and demonize, and, at worst, ignore, most of Western Canada because they're so concerned with who really matters: Ontario and Quebec. I also don't really believe Paul Martin when he talks about trying to stem the tide of "western alienation." If he was really concerned with taking the West seriously, and treating the West with respect, would he have resorted to scare tactics and fear mongering during the election campaign?
Come to think of it, why SHOULD the feds care about the West? They've proven, time and time again, that they don't need the West to win, so why bother? That's what I think is truly at the heart of western alienation. The fact that we are, essentially, completely powerless. Read Chantal Hebert's piece in the Star today, she talks about how Albertans, as an example, put a lot more into confederation (hello: transfer payments!) than they get out.
Think, dear reader, (especially those in the 416 or 905 area codes), how would YOU feel if you were either completely ignored OR made fun of/demonized/patronized (crazy, cranky, red-neck, socially-retrograde Westerners), AND rendered politically limbless. Add to that paying a sizeable chunk of tax to the feds, which is then doled out to those that actually vote Liberal. Wouldn't you, dear reader, be pretty pissed off? This, I hazard to guess, is the reason that so many Westerners are disgusted with this fourth consecutive Liberal government. We can't understand why Ontario would turn a blind eye to the chronic corruption and waste spewed by the Liberals for the past who-knows-how-long.
To top it off, the "who, me?" attitude of so many Liberal witnesses at the public accounts committee truly disgusted many Canadians, from coast to coast. (Think Alfonso Gagliano!) While Paul Martin said he was as mad as hell, numerous others stalled, deliberately evaded questions, fled to Arizona, etc. to avoid taking any responsibility for the sponsorship scandal. What infuriated me the most, however, was the reaction I heard from so many: the "how dare you accuse me of this?"/"how dare you ask me where the money went?" attitude; the idea that NO ONE in the Liberal party should have to account for, perhaps criminal, behaviour.
I firmly believe that these belligerent attitudes are the result of a political environment in Canada that holds no one accountable. Canadians are just so grateful that they live where they live (and rightfully so), that they're willing to ignore/turn a blindeye to being treated with such disrespect. (I might remind Canadians that their taxes pay for this wonderful country, NOT the generosity/benevolence of the Liberals.)
So let's face it: the Liberals can do anything they want in Canada. Anything. Some old dead white guy once said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Let's just hope that this Liberal minority government learns from their slap on the wrist, and that Paul Martin sincerely works towards reforming the structure of the Liberal party. He has a tremendous opportunity to clean house. Let's hope that he keeps this promise, because if he doesn't...
Oh, wait! Who do I think I'm kidding? Our national motto might as well be: "Screw us, we're Canadian!"
In closing, thanks voters of southern Ontario for four more years of Liberals. I think I'll move to Philadelphia. I'd rather not vote in the States and see political change every few years (President Kerry, anyone?) than continue to vote in Canada and be ignored/treated like a leper because "my Canada" doesn't excuse the misdeeds of the Liberal Party.
I just might take my job skills, husband, charm, devilish good looks and move. Low taxes and high health insurance anyone? Perhaps that's an indication of just how alienated this Westerner is. And don't tell me I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. Don't tell me I'm being irrational. That's Patsy's prerogative.
At 6:13 PM,
None said…
Back when the Mulroney got the boot and the Liberals were swept to power, we had the luxury of choosing between two homogenous, centrist, brokerage parties. Canadians today do not have that choice.
Yes, the Liberals don't deserve to govern, but who does? The Conservatives? Harper's answer to every social policy question was that there would be a free vote, but while campaigning he did his best to muzzle his prospective MP's from expressing their opinions. Conservative attack ads and mudslinging got down-and-dirtier than the Liberals. Based on their short track records, I wouldn't expect any more honest behaviour out of a Harper government than a Martin government.
As for Smiling Jack Layton, his politics just don't mesh with the dominant mindset. I think that this election demonstrated that people will choose the best prospect from among the parties that fit their ideological views (or at least the rhetoric which they have adopted.) Liberal scare tactics aside, the Conservatives just don't fit that bill.
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