Patsy Stone on Politics

Politics. Royals. Hockey. Not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Patsy's Picks

I'm very excited to watch on Monday night, a few close races. Will Landslide Annie be able to pull off a win in Edmonton Centre? That being said, here are a few of my favourites! (and the one that I hope loses)

Some of my Favourites:

1. Jack Layton (Toronto-Danforth)

How can one not like Smilin' Jack, the man who never met a camera he didn't like? Now I know a lot of left-leaning people that can't stand the man, but I must admit having a bit of a soft spot for him. I think that Dennis Mills will have a tough time defending his seat.

2. Olivia Chow (Trinity-Spadina)

Ms. Chow has won the "best city councillor" award in Toronto for 88 years running. (or something like that) I like Olivia, I think she fights hard for the little guy and little gal, and I think that Parliament needs more people like her.

3. Ed Broadbent (Ottawa Centre)

Guess who's back? Ed's back! (The "Ed's Back" video on Broadbent's website is a must see.) I've been a political junkie since I was toddler, and remember Broadbent as leader of the NDP in their glory days. Something like 42 seats. Wow! Needless to say, I'm thrilled that the Tories and NDPs have started to chase the Libs. Good for democracy, I say. Bring on the Greens!

4. Judy Wasylyclia-Leis (Winnipeg-?)

I hope I spelled Judy's name right. I like her. Plus she's a good friend of my friends Chris and Trish. 'Nuff said. Judy always held the Libs feet to the fire in the public accounts committee.

5. Tony Clement (Brampton-?)

Tony the Tiger reminds me of a loveable underdog. That's why I hope he can win his riding. Plus he was good under pressure during the SARS crisis.

6. Jim Prentice (Calgary-North Centre)

I like Jim Prentice. Period. (not having to justify yourself is also one of the beauties of blogging)

Please go aways:

1. Carolyn Parrish (Mississauga-Erindale)

I think Ms. Parrish is utterly obnoxious. Did you really think the mic was turned off Carolyn? Ms. Parrish is the stereotypical holier-than-thou Canadian, standing on the sidelines complaining. (Note: I am NOT calling all Canadians holier-than-thou. But there are a few, like in any country.)Criticizing George Bush: fair game, criticizing the Republican Party: fine, criticizing American foreign policy: okay. But to publicly admit you hate 300 million people? Talk about simple minded. Real classy, Carolyn.


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