Patsy Stone on Politics

Politics. Royals. Hockey. Not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Slow to jump on blogging bandwagon

Look ma! I'm blogging... (better late than never.)

I'm a political junkie. Always have been, always will be. That being said, I'm thrilled to be deep in the middle of a federal election campaign. It's been a good year for political junkies. For the past two years I've been an Alberta expatriate living in Ontario. Over the past few months we've had a Toronto mayoralty election, an Ontario provincial election, and now this Canadian federal election. There's been lots of editorials to read, even more political "attack" ads to critique, plenty to debate. That's why I wanted to jump on the blogging bandwagon. Even if no one reads my blogs, then at least I'll have been able to burn off some steam typing away, as opposed to arguing with anyone who will listen.

I knew that "blogging" was increasing fast in popularity, so I started reading a few blogs that had been recommended to me.

It was, however, my two colleagues, the Alberta Propagandists, who made me decide to start blogging myself.

I'll start fresh with my first official political post sometime tomorrow.

Pass the Stoli, sweetie!

Love, Pats


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